LA Fires Support

To our Dawang Community,  in efforts to show our continued support with the ongoing LA fires. We want to share a compiled working resource list of organizations and groups that are aiding in the efforts and relief to those affected by the fires. 

Know what’s happening in LA:
Sign up for LA County emergency alerts: OR download the app Watch Duty


SNN Special Needs Network: support families impacted by the firestorms with their focus on assisting the disability community
California Community Foundation: distributes grants to affected communities through its wildfire recovery fund
California Fire Foundation: working with local community organizations to support residents impacted by the blaze
American Red Cross: providing shelter, food, emotional support and helath services
Salvation Army: working with agencies to provide food, personal necessities and shelter to first responders and residents impacted by the fire
World Central Kitchen: Providing meals to first responders and families impacted by the fire
GoFundME: created a centralized hub for all verifies fundraising pages related to the wildfires.
LAFD Foundation Emergency Funding: Providing critical tools, shelter, and hydration for the firefighters
Baby2Baby: Providing essential items to children and families
Free Meals For First Responders and Evacuees (Full List on
- Yeastie Boys, across the city
- Highly Likey, HLP & West Adams
- Bar Etoile, East Hollywood 
- Oy Bar, Studio City
- Our Place, Venice
- Dudley Market, Venice
- Sunday Gravy, Inglewood
- Fiorelli Pizza, Venic


Canine Rescue Club: looking for volunteers to offer temporary foster care for the babies displaced in the fires. 
MutualAidLA: collecting groups providing aid, places to find shelter, animal rescue efforts Instagram @mutualaidla
LA Animal Services: looking for volunteers to offer temporary foster care for the babies displaced in the fires. Instagram @laanimalservices
LA Dream Center Instagram @ladreamcenter
Union Rescue Mission Instagram @unionrescuemission

We understand that the road to recovery will be long, and these are the beginning phases to rebuild homes, re-home residents and recover all that was lost.

Leave a comment below to share any resources you’d like us to include! We will continue to stay connected to the on-the-ground organizers and doing our research in the best ways to support.


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